Lives Not Numbers [Atish Saha & Bryan MacCormack]
Lives Not Numbers [Atish Saha & Bryan MacCormack]
Lives Not Numbers [Atish Saha & Bryan MacCormack]

**Trigger warning: this gallery contains images of violence and death.*

Measuring lives in numbers, statistics, and data points dominates mainstream discourse about public tragedies. Those who die in mass, especially the subaltern, are reduced to numerical archives. By reporting deaths as numbers, we devalue the lives lost and the lives they leave behind. In the aftermath, families search for the physical remains of missing loved ones. For them, closure may come in the form of a casket or may never be found, where physical remains are lost in rubble or a desert landscape."

In 2013, thousands perished during the Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh. Every year, thousands more are lost while migrating across the Sonoran Desert of Mexico and Arizona. In their first collaboration, documentary photographers Atish Saha and Bryan MacCormack present a series of photographs to reveal the lives behind the numbers reported in these two separate events.